It’s Time To Future-Proof Your Data Privacy Strategy

It’s Time To Future-Proof Your Data Privacy Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare data privacy, staying compliant with current regulations is crucial. However, it’s not enough to simply meet the existing standards. Forward-thinking healthcare organizations must anticipate and prepare for the future by adopting data privacy strategies that align with new legislation. Here’s our take on how you can stay ahead of the competition in today’s ever-changing world.

The Changing Regulatory Landscape

New data privacy legislation is on the horizon, and it is moving closer to the stringent standards set by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These proposed laws challenge organizations to rethink their approach to data consent management and the right to be digitally forgotten. To ensure you’re prepared for what lies ahead, you need robust solutions that work for today’s challenges and adapt to tomorrow’s requirements — that means thinking beyond the way things have worked before.

Going Beyond Meta Pixels

While meta pixels were a wake-up call for healthcare systems — highlighting the importance of data privacy in marketing efforts — a broader perspective is needed. Here are a few aspects of data privacy that go beyond meta pixels:

Digital advertising partners

Are your digital advertising partners up to date with recent changes in data privacy? Do they have recommendations to safeguard your organization’s data and prevent headline-making privacy breaches? Some organizations still unknowingly upload patient data to platforms to build look-alike models, which is a practice to be avoided at all costs.

Beyond Google Analytics

Many healthcare systems have transitioned from Universal Analytics to GA4, but concerns around privacy persist. Consider implementing server-side Google tag management or explore a more comprehensive solution like a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to ensure your data privacy guidelines are robust. Here are some considerations:

  • Embedded Video Players: Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo can transmit IP data and video titles. This poses a risk, especially if your videos reference medical procedures or health conditions. It’s vital to ensure that your video content is used in ways that are compliant with HIPAA regulations.
  • Google Fonts: While not currently a source of legal action, consider discussing the data passed to Google through Google Fonts with your IT and security teams. It’s essential to understand the potential risks and explore alternative solutions, as necessary.

Future-Proofing Your Data Privacy Strategy Starts Today.

As new data privacy legislation approaches, healthcare organizations must proactively adapt their strategies to remain compliant and secure patient data. The good news is, you’re not on your own. The team at Unlock Health can help you understand and implement solutions that keep you ahead of the curve in data privacy. With our expertise, you can ensure that your data privacy strategy is not just compliant, but truly future-proof. That’s Unlock Health.

Ready to start the conversation? Let’s talk.